17:30-19:00 Keynote Address
Gwyn Campbell (Indian Ocean World Center, McGill University, Canada) Ports in the Indian Ocean World Global Economy over the Longue Durée
17:30-19:00 Keynote Address Read More »
Gwyn Campbell (Indian Ocean World Center, McGill University, Canada) Ports in the Indian Ocean World Global Economy over the Longue Durée
17:30-19:00 Keynote Address Read More »
Prita Meier (New York University, USA) Oceanic Architecture: Mobility and Territoriality on the Swahili Coast
Zvi Ben-Dor (New York University, USA) Why did Matteo Ricci Lie about the Muslims of Canton and Why does it Matter?
Lauren Minsky (New York University, Abu Dhabi) Shrines as Hubs of Medical Innovation and Integration in the Ports-of-Trade of the Indian Ocean
Mark Swislocki (New York University, Abu Dhabi) To Boldly Go Where Many Have Gone Before: Port Cities and Routes to Yunnan in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries